The renowned bookmaker Parimatch has announced the creation of a new supervisory board, with CEO Sergey Portnov leaving his post and becoming chairman of the board.
Parimatch: Two CEOs Dividing the Roles
Maksym Liashko and Roman Syrotian will both take Sergey Portnov’s place as co-CEOs, dividing operating responsibilities. Liashko will take on legal, finance and communication roles, and Syrotian will focus on IT, product and marketing.
Liashko stated: “For Roman and me, a dual CEO structure is a logical move and consolidation of the company’s growth directions” He also added: “We know our areas well, and we will do everything to implement the company’s plans to enter the next level of development.”
Syrotian said: “I hope to contribute to this goal by ensuring that we provide our customers with the highest quality entertainment and services.”
In addition to the expansion of the supervisory board, Katerina Belorusskaya was appointed as a stakeholder, and Marek Smrha as a non-executive board consultant.
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For more than 20 years, Parimatch has remained an elite brand for CIS countries. Besides the licenses in Cyprus and Kazakhstan, the operator also actively targets African and Asian countries like Tanzania, Nigeria, India, and Bangladesh, making giant leaps in terms of localisation. I firmly believe the payouts for the English Premier League and Cricket events are competitive in the industry; meanwhile, services like the unique Multimatch Bet Builder, the Quick Bet, and the Partial Cash Out enhance the sportsbook. In my view, the mobile apps for Android and iOS devices and instant withdrawals make Parimatch a decent betting destination. The average live betting odds and the low payouts for secondary Football and all Tennis events are significant drawbacks. Also, the many country restrictions and the strict verification policy are considered cons for the bookie. Finally, I should highlight that more payment methods would be excellent for bettors. Overall, the brand offers a decent sportsbook if you seek an instant payout bookie and an advanced Cricket offering.