As it seems, India has a zero-tolerance policy towards foreign bookmakers. This is clearly evident from recent events as the All India Gaming Federation has asked the Prime Minister to block the transactions between local players and offshore betting operators. To be more precise, the AIGF has asked the Prime Minister to make use of the Enforcement Directorate in order to prevent foreign bookies from getting a grip on the Indian market.
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Moreover, the Federation turned its fire towards 9 gambling operators, among them 1xbet,,, and All the above accept bets from the Indian players, and as the Federation stated, the citizens "are lured to the addiction and the risk of gambling", something that should be immediately stopped.
In addition, they said that those gambling companies are breaking the law, according to which the citizens of the country are not permitted to gamble. The Federation continued stating that the above bookmakers violated the Foreign Exchange Management Act and the Prevention of Money Laundering Act from the time they accepted payments from the Indian players. In a few words, what AIGF wants most, is to oust foreign bookmakers from the Indian market. And that is what their conclusion was since they urged the government to legalize and regulate land-based and online sports betting by “Indian-licensed operators from India.”.