The top Asian online casino Dafabet will soon stop operating in the UK. The operator has not so far justified its decision, but it is estimated that this has to do with the country’s new e-gaming and gaming regulations. As the company announced, its sportsbook will continue to operate normally. Players can make deposits on Dafabet online casino until the 8th of March, and are advised to withdraw their funds until the 20th of the current month. From 20th march onwards, all balances will be returned automatically through the registered depositing method.
UK new regulatory space
Following a number of violations, the UK Gambling Commission along with the Competition and Markets Authority and the Advertising Standards Authority decided to set the level a little higher and introduce stricter rules, thus giving the green light only to respectful operators.
The majority of violation concerned ad codes breakdowns and iffy payment methods such us low limits on withdrawing funds, very short deadlines to customers to verify their personal details etc., which may be used by bookies as sneaky tricks in order to withdraw money from long term inactive punters. The CMA has already alerted operators on these regulations that need to be revised.
A few words about Dafabet
Dafabet is one of the most well-known Asian online betting platform offering finest gaming products such as sports betting, on line casino, online poker and flash games. The company founded in 2004 in Philippines and is licensed by the Cagayan Economic Zone Authority (CEZA).
Besides, Dafabet holds licenses by the strict authorities of the UK Gambling Commission and the Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission. Dafabet, is Burnley F.C’s sponsor for the season 2017-2018. The sponsorship deal is considered to one of the Premier League’s higher (£2.5-million). During the past, the leading Asian bookmaker has sponsored some of the most historic football clubs including Celtic, Leicester City and Blackburn Rovers
Why choose Dafabet
- The bookie that paved the way in Asia
- Wide selection of markets
- Choice of Asian View
- Competitive odds
- Excellent for football lovers
- Full range of Asian Handicaps
- Huge limits at soccer stakes
- Great features at live betting
Although they originally invested only in the Asian market, as they did not offer their services to bettors from other parts of the world, during the last few years, Dafabet has managed to attract a more diverse audience. However, they are still in a transitional process, so you might find that certain services and markets are limited at the moment. This means that you won’t find a variety of different sports, however, their profitable football betting odds can make up for their still-developing website. They are one of the giant bookies in Asia, and they have recently made their entrance into Europe by offering a fully comprehensive website on a European layout. Dafa's high betting limits are suitable for high rollers, although, unfortunately, they don’t accept many payment options and don’t have a mobile app.